Laundry Room Reveal

If you follow me on Facebook (I’ll wait so you can click the link and press like…. 🙂 ) then you know I had a little project going last weekend. Today I’m going to tell you all about it.

I hate laundry! But I have two boys, two cats, a dog and husband so its sort of an everyday thing around here. In our old home we didn’t have a laundry room just this rinky dink closet. When we first bought this house I was so overjoyed just to have a laundry room but alas, that wore off quickly. My Pinterest feed has been filled with beautiful laundry rooms for ages and I had some serious design envy. I finally decided I was going to sit down and make some decisions about what I wanted and then just do it! The room is not very big at all so I knew I wouldn’t be adding anything major. And really we didn’t need a ton more storage as the room was currently functional. It just wasn’t pretty. I needed something to hang clothes that don’t go in the dryer on and the shelf we currently had was not working for that.

I decided to go with a big LACK shelf from Ikea above the washer and dryer that could be used for functional things as well as pretty things. I also decided to go with a towel bar I had hanging around the house that we bought at Ikea ages ago. The hardest decision was the paint. I knew I wanted something on the light side because the room is so small but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go muted or bold.  Eventually I decided that muted was the way to go. I wanted the Laundry Room to make me feel like I was in a cottage at Martha’s Vineyard. Well as much as anyone could feel like that while folding dozens of mis-matched socks. I narrowed it down to two Martha Stewart colors from Home Depot; Spring Melt and Rainwater. I love the color that Rainwater puts on the wall but ultimately it was not right for the room. Spring Melt won out! Now that it is on the wall I could not be happier with the decision. It’s light and fresh and airy and just perfect!

Sunday morning Hubby had to go to work for a few hours. So I put Buggy down for his nap and T$ and I got to work. Mostly that means he did about three strokes and decided this was a “Mommy job” and he went off to play Legos. I did the entire room without taping and just was careful around the baseboards and ceiling. Luckily I have a pretty steady hand. All in all the painting took me about an hour an a half to finish. As soon as hubby got home he hung up the shelf and frames for me and VOILA! my laundry room was complete!


Laundry Room Before4

Laundry Room Before2


Laundry Room 6

Laundry Room 4

Laundry Room 3

Laundry Room 1

Laundry Room 2

Laundry Room 7

Laundry Room 8

Laundry Room 12

How did I do? My goal was to have a Pin-able laundry room, did I achieve that? What are some rooms you have done in your home and been thrilled with the outcome?
