5 Reasons I Rocked Today!

Hello from crazytown! Sorry it’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to post a new blog but life has seriously been crazy around here. I’ve been spending all my spare time decluttering and organizing this house. The playroom has a new look, the boys closet is so clean I cannot believe it, and a bunch of other little tasks have been completed. I promise to share some details soon!

In the meantime, I thought I would give myself (and hopefully some of you) a little pep talk. I’ve been alone with the boys all day long. They have been all sorts of special crazy which is of course totally my fault. I was working so much I didn’t let them have outside time and I broke a ton of my own rules about how to keep them sane while I try to get stuff done. So as I finally sit down tonight I’m feeling a little defeated. This was not my best mommy day! In an effort to be more positive and to hopefully inspire all of you to do the same I’m going to give you 5 reasons I totally rocked today!

  1. My children are alive! No seriously, if you think about all it takes to keep a kid alive it really is worth giving yourself a pat on the back. Not to mention two of them! And that doesn’t even take into account two of them that are constantly trying to kill each other in one way or another! So… GO ME! The boys are still alive!
  2. I did 4 complete loads of laundry. They are folded, put away and DONE! I’m normally pretty lucky to get a half a load done so this is major!
  3. I ate all three meals at home! We did not do our normal meal planning and grocery shopping this week because we knew it was going to be a crazy week and we don’t like to buy food we wont use. Normally when I’m exhausted, spent, and just done with the day I will cave and go get some fast food. Tonight, I did not! In all honestly my dinner sucked but hey, I’m just eating to live, not living to eat!
  4. I built a Lego Pirate Tree House… well, I helped. I made sure to spend some time on the ground playing with the boys tonight even though all I wanted to do was sit on the couch and stare at the tv.
  5. I read to the boys before bed. This one is probably the most important on my list. Every night since the day T$ was born I try to read to him (and now Buggy too). Some nights we are all just too exhausted but tonight we got in one Bible Story and one funny story. It helps us all unwind and it makes the boys so happy. I know these are memories we are making and they are the important ones.

So, tell me why did you rock today?

Doesn’t matter how big or small the accomplishment was I want to hear about it!


Five Glorious Years

205112_1026645998795_9234_n Normally I like to keep the blog focused on tips and helpful info for you and your family. Today is a total exception to that. Today I am writing something very personal.

The reason today is special is this is our 5 year wedding anniversary. I feel so incredibly blessed to have found my soulmate (I know, total cheese ball thing to say).

I wanted to take some time out today to thank my husband for always being there for me, for providing for our family and for being an incredible, loving father.

Our love story has been so incredible and I am so happy that I have someone to share the ups and downs of life with. Together we can face anything, this I am sure of.

Anyone who meets Nick immediately falls in love with him. He is a sweet man who cares so much for others. I love so many many things about him. What I really love the most though is his amazing sense of humor. He is the only person I know who can match my sarcasm and handle whatever I throw at him.

I cannot wait to spend another 5 years and beyond together!